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If you’re the proud owner of a Savannah cat, you must know how to care for them properly. These unique cats require a lot of attention and room to roam, and if you don’t meet their needs, they can become destructive or even sick. This comprehensive guide will teach you everything you need to know about caring for your Savannah cat. From feeding and litter box habits to veterinary care and exercise, we have got you covered!

1) Kitten Proofing Your Home

Savannah cats are energetic and curious, so it is essential to kitten-proof your home before bringing one in. Move any items that could be dangerous at their level, such as cords, small objects, and sharp edges. Ensure you block off any areas where the cat could get into trouble or injure itself. Additionally, create a safe space after you buy an F3 savannah cat for sale to rest and feel at ease. This could be a spot on the couch, a comfortable pet bed, an elevated shelf, or a cat tree.

2) Exercise Requirements

Savannah cats are high-energy cats that require plenty of exercise and stimulation. Ensure you have scratching posts, toys, and other items to keep them active. Additionally, consider investing in a cat wheel or treadmill so your Savannah cat can get their energy out indoors. Be sure to take the time to play with your Savannah cat daily to ensure they stay healthy and happy.

3) Grooming

Savannah cats have short coats that require very little grooming. Generally, weekly brushing with a soft brush is sufficient to keep Savannah’s fur looking clean and healthy. Trimming their nails and checking for any potential signs of parasites or fleas is also essential. If needed, you can use a cat shampoo when bathing them. Be sure to use lukewarm water, a shampoo, and a conditioner specifically designed for cats. Towel dry your Savannah afterward, and make sure they’re warm and comfortable.

When brushing, avoid their sensitive stomachs, as this can cause discomfort or even pain. Finally, checking your cat’s ears regularly for signs of infection or debris is essential. Cleaning their ears with an ear-cleaning solution and a soft cloth can help to keep them healthy. Always be gentle when grooming your Savannah, as they will likely become anxious if handled too roughly.

4) Litter Box

Keeping your Savannah cat’s litter box clean and tidy is essential. You should scoop the litter daily and change it at least once a week. If you have a high-rise litter box, make sure that it is stable enough so that it doesn’t topple over when your cat jumps out of it. We use a pine pelleted litter but you may also, consider clumping or non-clumping litter once your kitten is a little older which will make cleaning easier. You can also place a litter mat near the box to help trap any stray bits of litter, and make sure you vacuum or sweep the surrounding area regularly.

Final Note

Call Belle Hollow Farms for the best F3 savannah cat for sale in North Carolina. We offer the highest quality f3 and other Savannah cats. Our cats are well-socialized and healthy and have a one-year health guarantee. We provide an excellent environment for these hybrid cats to live and thrive.